pay it forward

CCC_GivingTuesday 2017

Smile at a stranger. Hold open a door for the person behind you. Volunteer your time at a fundraising event. Buy someone’s coffee today.

It’s amazing how easily you can make someone’s day. It doesn’t have to cost a lot or even take a lot of time. Be aware of what’s going on around you, and opportunities will pop up everywhere for you to make an impact on the world, large and small.

Clearly Conveyed Communications

believes in the power of giving back and paying it forward. We want to go beyond helping companies, brands and individuals with their marketing, writing and social media services, and help make the world a better place.

Here are just a few of the ways we pay it forward at CCC…

  • Volunteering time in the community
  • Social media ambassador for #GivingTuesday
  • American Red Cross Social Ambassador
  • Donating platelets and plasma to the Red Cross
  • Supporting non-profits financially and with in-kind gifts
  • Random acts of kindness

School supplies donation

Get Involved 

How have you made the world a better place today?

We’d love to hear how you pay it forward in your community, country or around the world. Remember, you can make a difference.


20 thoughts on “pay it forward

  1. Paying it forward is crucial in our world. We all need to do this and be reminded of it. Thanks for the reminder and some of the ideas. I try to find little ways I can impact someone’s life by making them feel special and wanted. Some days, this journey called life can be unforgiven and just knowing we matter to someone – that invigorates the soul.


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