50 Things I’m Grateful For… Summer 2015 Edition

It’s time, once again, for our annual tradition on the CCC blog. Each year, I list 50 unique “things” that I’m currently grateful for. While I’m grateful every day, it’s helpful to write down a list every now and then. I encourage you to try it! Write your own blog post or share your list inContinue reading “50 Things I’m Grateful For… Summer 2015 Edition”

9 Ways You Can Help Those In Need #allin1day

I give because I can. Did you know? Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.* The Red Cross has won three Nobel Peace Prizes, in 1917, 1944 and 1963.^ In 2013, the international Red Cross movement provided food aid for more than 6.7 million people and essential household and hygiene items for overContinue reading “9 Ways You Can Help Those In Need #allin1day”

CCC Turns 3! And the Winners Are…

We’ve been celebrating all week, and today it’s official. My company, Clearly Conveyed Communications, turns 3 years old. In some ways, it seems like yesterday that I made the leap to start my own company; in others, it seems like a lifetime ago. In 3 short years, CCC has gotten social with first responders, workedContinue reading “CCC Turns 3! And the Winners Are…”

CCC Turns 3, And You’re Invited (To Win)!

We’re throwing a party, and you’re invited — to win. Clearly Conveyed Communications is turning 3 this week, and we’re celebrating with our clients, customers, supporters and fans. All week, we’ll be partying (while we work) at the office, so we’re inviting you along for the fun. Follow and engage with us on Facebook, Twitter,Continue reading “CCC Turns 3, And You’re Invited (To Win)!”

I’m Thankful For… Unplugging & Reconnecting

“Don’t be a jerk. Try to love everyone. Give more than you take. And do it despite the fact that you only really like about seven out of 500 people.”  –Judd Apatow As a country, America tends to be cynical and polarized, impatient and angry. Maybe it’s our roots. Maybe it’s our lifestyle. Whatever it is,Continue reading “I’m Thankful For… Unplugging & Reconnecting”

What is the Pay It Forward movement all about?

Happy International Pay It Forward Day 2014! While we’re all better off paying it forward regularly, having an official day helps bring attention to this worthy movement. So what is the Pay It Forward movement all about? Watch this TEDTalk by Charley Johnson, founder of the official group behind the global Pay It Forward movementContinue reading “What is the Pay It Forward movement all about?”

Kindness in the Workplace: A Guide for Your Organization

The evidence is in, and there can be no doubt. Treating employees well and making them happy affects the bottom line. Let’s explore the dynamics, and see just how to achieve a kinder workplace and happier employees. This “happiness map” is a generic guide to happiness. Nevertheless, it is as relevant in a workplace setting asContinue reading “Kindness in the Workplace: A Guide for Your Organization”

Make A Ripple… And Change The World

A ripple. It’s not much by itself. But it’s amazing what happens as more and more ripples gather together: they cause change. Whether you’re trying to make the world a better place, become healthier or advance your career, small acts and minor decisions do matter. We love dramatic reveals after makeovers, watching contestants reshape their bodiesContinue reading “Make A Ripple… And Change The World”

33 Lessons in 33 Years

I recently came across a fun post, 32 Lessons from 32 Years of Life. The timing was perfect as I was pondering what to post about on my birthday (Yep, Pisces here.), and I had actually been toying with the idea of this type of post. I hope you find these short lessons useful, andContinue reading “33 Lessons in 33 Years”

On Thanksgiving, I’m Thankful for #GivingTuesday

I’ve posted before about many things I’m thankful for, from trail running to espresso. (Yes, they go together.) On this Thanksgiving Day, I want to mention one more — #GivingTuesday. Related Reading: 50 Things I’m Grateful For  |  50 (More) Things I’m Grateful For GivingTuesday is a movement to start a national day of giving toContinue reading “On Thanksgiving, I’m Thankful for #GivingTuesday”