Editing: Your Path to Divinity (and Divine Writing)

Prewriting ✓     Drafting ✓     Revising ✓ Don’t put down the red pen yet. Now, it’s time to edit. Wait, didn’t we just do that? No, we revised our writing. Revising and editing go hand-in-hand, but they focus on different results. While revising makes your work sound good, editing makes your work look good. In the world of writing,Continue reading “Editing: Your Path to Divinity (and Divine Writing)”

Revising: No Rules, Just (Get It) Right

You’ve tackled prewriting (in the forest or the bathtub) and burst through the drafting phase like a team taking the field. Whew, we’re done, right? No, now it’s time to revise. Revising is all about making your work sound right. So read it — to yourself or out loud. (This is where it helps to haveContinue reading “Revising: No Rules, Just (Get It) Right”

Step 2: Now It’s Time To Write

If prewriting is the pregame strategy session, step two of the writing process — drafting or writing — is the mad rush onto the field. After all of the film watching and play designing and planning, it’s time to let it all out. draft·ing (verb): the second stage of the writing process during which aContinue reading “Step 2: Now It’s Time To Write”

Prewriting: A Precursor To Rad Writing

As I was writing my last post about the importance of revising and editing your work, it dawned on me that many people who are required to write today (blogs, social media, company newsletters, etc.) may not have much experience with the writing process. So I decided to blog about it to explain each step’s importanceContinue reading “Prewriting: A Precursor To Rad Writing”

The Power of the (Red) Pen

“To write is human, to edit is divine.”  -Stephen King When I was in school, there was nothing I hated more than the red pen. Teachers would use it to correct mistakes on your paper and make suggestions. As a perfectionist, I attributed any red marks to failure, which was not high on my to-doContinue reading “The Power of the (Red) Pen”

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Facebook

Facebook is the biggest, baddest social platform on the planet. We’ve all heard the statistics: if Facebook were a country, it would have the third-highest population in the world, behind China and India. An average of 864 million people log in to the site daily. But what about the things you don’t know? You may beContinue reading “5 Things You Didn’t Know About Facebook”

Je Suis Charlie: Why This Attack Felt Personal

I was supposed to write about Facebook today, but I don’t have it in me. Yesterday, a French satirical newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, was attacked and twelve people were killed — ten journalists, including four well-known cartoonists, and two police officers. More senseless violence in a world that seems filled with it. Until yesterday, I hadContinue reading “Je Suis Charlie: Why This Attack Felt Personal”