On Thanksgiving, We’re Thankful For…

As Thanksgiving nears, we’re reminded of so many reasons to be thankful. We started a tradition in 2012 to post a list of 50 Things We’re Grateful For… during each summer as one simple way to keep gratitude near and dear to our hearts. While we won’t duplicate those efforts in this post, we didContinue reading “On Thanksgiving, We’re Thankful For…”

50 Things I’m Grateful For… Summer 2016 Edition

The days are getting longer, baseball’s back and it’s time for the annual listing of 50 things I’m grateful for. This tradition started back in 2012 and is a post that I look forward to all year. I’d love for you to add your list to the comments or share your blog post with us,Continue reading “50 Things I’m Grateful For… Summer 2016 Edition”

50 Things I’m Grateful For… Summer 2015 Edition

It’s time, once again, for our annual tradition on the CCC blog. Each year, I list 50 unique “things” that I’m currently grateful for. While I’m grateful every day, it’s helpful to write down a list every now and then. I encourage you to try it! Write your own blog post or share your list inContinue reading “50 Things I’m Grateful For… Summer 2015 Edition”

9 Ways You Can Help Those In Need #allin1day

I give because I can. Did you know? Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.* The Red Cross has won three Nobel Peace Prizes, in 1917, 1944 and 1963.^ In 2013, the international Red Cross movement provided food aid for more than 6.7 million people and essential household and hygiene items for overContinue reading “9 Ways You Can Help Those In Need #allin1day”

I’m Thankful For… Unplugging & Reconnecting

“Don’t be a jerk. Try to love everyone. Give more than you take. And do it despite the fact that you only really like about seven out of 500 people.”  –Judd Apatow As a country, America tends to be cynical and polarized, impatient and angry. Maybe it’s our roots. Maybe it’s our lifestyle. Whatever it is,Continue reading “I’m Thankful For… Unplugging & Reconnecting”

Celebrate Your Safety: Thank A First Responder Today

Tomorrow is July 4th, and people all over the US are looking forward to a fun holiday weekend. By all means, celebrate. As Americans, we have so much to be grateful for that we often overlook in the day-to-day monotony of life. But please be safe. Before you do something questionable or stupid, remember that you’reContinue reading “Celebrate Your Safety: Thank A First Responder Today”

50 Things I’m Grateful For… Summer 2014 Edition

It’s become an annual tradition at the CCC blog to list 50 unique “things” that I’m currently grateful for. It makes me think and reminds me how blessed I am. The first 50 Things I’m Grateful For post published in May 2012, a month after the blog started, and was an immediate hit. The follow-up post,Continue reading “50 Things I’m Grateful For… Summer 2014 Edition”

And The Award Goes To…

CCC is excited to accept its second award for this blog — The Butterfly Light Award — from Sage Doyle, author of The Journal of Wall Grimm and guest blogger extraordinaire.Thanks, Sage! This award is given to those who are using their blog to spread light or be a positive influence in today’s world. We’reContinue reading “And The Award Goes To…”

What is the Pay It Forward movement all about?

Happy International Pay It Forward Day 2014! While we’re all better off paying it forward regularly, having an official day helps bring attention to this worthy movement. So what is the Pay It Forward movement all about? Watch this TEDTalk by Charley Johnson, founder of the official group behind the global Pay It Forward movementContinue reading “What is the Pay It Forward movement all about?”

Make A Ripple… And Change The World

A ripple. It’s not much by itself. But it’s amazing what happens as more and more ripples gather together: they cause change. Whether you’re trying to make the world a better place, become healthier or advance your career, small acts and minor decisions do matter. We love dramatic reveals after makeovers, watching contestants reshape their bodiesContinue reading “Make A Ripple… And Change The World”