Why Influencer Engagement is Important in Digital Marketing

Editor’s Note: We’re excited to welcome Tanya Sen as a contributor to the CCC blog! Enjoy her article below on the importance of influencer engagement in your digital marketing strategy, and learn more about her at the end of the article. If you’d like help with your digital marketing strategy, contact us so we canContinue reading “Why Influencer Engagement is Important in Digital Marketing”

A CCC Christmas and Your 2017 Favorites

It’s our favorite time of the year at CCC! We’ve been enjoying the sights and sounds of the holiday season while finishing client projects with care. As we count down toward Christmas Day and the New Year, we wanted to showcase your favorites from throughout the year. Enjoy! Top 5 Most Read Posts of 2017Continue reading “A CCC Christmas and Your 2017 Favorites”

Vlog: This Underutilized Idea Will Help Make Your Marketing Memorable 

What does memorable marketing look like? This piece from FedEx. The shipping company utilizes its new eCom Label Solutions to promote the benefits of its new eCom Label Solutions. That may sound obvious, but it’s not. Using your new product or service to promote your new product or service is an innovative and underutilized ideaContinue reading “Vlog: This Underutilized Idea Will Help Make Your Marketing Memorable “