Wisdom from Nora Ephron

Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim. –Truth by the late, witty Nora Ephron Your thoughts? More about Nora: Nora Ephron: The heroine of her life, not the victim Nora Ephron: tributes from Twitter and favourite scenes Nora Ephron: how I’ll miss her A Nora Ephron fan, Jaime Join the conversation: Continue reading “Wisdom from Nora Ephron”

Say Hello: How To Make Connections With Your Social Media Profiles

Social media is still buzzing, even as it has moved from a trend to a mainstream marketing activity. Yet so many people still overlook one of the most important aspects—the profile. First, let’s focus on the profile picture. This is your first step to legitimacy. It’s hard to take a generic silhouette seriously. Not photogenic?Continue reading “Say Hello: How To Make Connections With Your Social Media Profiles”

Are you missing the beauty for the bustle?

“We place such value on the noises of our lives, we glorify and exalt the over-popular art of always being busy. How can we ever love the sea if we’re always racing for the shore?” –Tyler Knott Are you missing the beauty of life for the everyday hustle and bustle? Stop and… __________ [insert activityContinue reading “Are you missing the beauty for the bustle?”

Run For Boston: #BostonStrongAkron

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, look for the helpers, you will always find people who are helping. This quote by Fred Rogers (of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood fame) has popped up across social media networks since the horrendous news broke ofContinue reading “Run For Boston: #BostonStrongAkron”

Mental Illness: Why don’t we talk about it?

Mental illness. Why don’t we talk about it? There have been a number of taboos in society over the years, and one by one they have slipped (or been forced) into mainstream conversation. Sex, alternative lifestyles, birth control, racial equality, etc. But mental illness has somehow remained elusive. I recently listened to a scary, heartbreaking,Continue reading “Mental Illness: Why don’t we talk about it?”

And the winners are…

CCC Fan Appreciation Contest Last week, we held the CCC Fan Appreciation Contest on our Facebook page to help celebrate our one-year anniversary as a company. (Check out our first blog post, appropriately entitled An Introduction.) Winners Thank you to everyone who entered and shared the contest to make it a success! We always appreciateContinue reading “And the winners are…”

Things I Carry: Pen and Paper

Yes, you read that right: pen and paper. As in old school, you need a writing utensil to use it effectively paper. Sure, I enjoy my smart phone; I can be quite the geek when it comes to gadgets. But I love the feeling of actually writing things down, whether I’m feeling out a blogContinue reading “Things I Carry: Pen and Paper”

Godspeed Roger, You Will Be Missed

Thank you for going on this journey with me. I’ll see you at the movies. Shock is the word that comes to mind when I heard the news that Roger Ebert had died yesterday. I always admired his work as a journalist, reporter and film critic. His book, Life Itself: A Memoir, is an intriguingContinue reading “Godspeed Roger, You Will Be Missed”

Jumping Off A Cliff: My 1st Year As An Entrepreneur

A year ago today, I took a deep breath and jumped off a cliff. Figuratively speaking, anyway. I left my job in corporate America to start my own business. I was terrified and excited, overwhelmed yet satisfied with my decision, completely burnt out but eagerly looking toward my future. In some ways, it’s been better thanContinue reading “Jumping Off A Cliff: My 1st Year As An Entrepreneur”