Finding Courage

“America woke up that day from a decades-long slumber and found to its surprise that it still possessed the courage, can-do pragmatism, inventiveness, idealism, and teamwork that had made the nation the envy of the world.”                                                                         –Frederic C. Rich, Christian Nation Intriguing read that gets more difficult to put down page by page… HaveContinue reading “Finding Courage”


Clearly Conveyed Communications is excited to share a guest blog post, Bleeding, by Sage Doyle. Following is an original poem by Mr. Doyle that he was willing to share with our readers. Enjoy! Who is Sage Doyle? Sage Doyle is a mainstream novel writer pursuing publication. On his blog, he features a mix of poetry and shortContinue reading “Bleeding”

Table Top

Clearly Conveyed Communications is excited to share our second guest blog post, Table Top, by Sage Doyle. Following is an original poem by Mr. Doyle that he was willing to share with our readers. Enjoy! Who is Sage Doyle? Sage Doyle is a mainstream novel writer pursuing publication. On his blog, he features a mix ofContinue reading “Table Top”

The Opera: Chapter One

Clearly Conveyed Communications is extremely excited to host our first guest blog post, The Opera, by Sage Doyle. Following is the first chapter of an original work by Mr. Doyle that he will be seeking publication for this summer. Enjoy! Who is Sage Doyle? Sage Doyle is a mainstream novel writer pursuing publication. On his blog,Continue reading “The Opera: Chapter One”