How To Turn Small Talk Into Big Opportunities

Does the thought of small talk make your blood pressure rise? Whether it’s from annoyance or fear, this is a common reaction. However, mastering the art of polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters (as defined by Oxford Dictionaries) is an important part of succeeding in the business world. How can you turn small talk intoContinue reading “How To Turn Small Talk Into Big Opportunities”

Trick Out Your Tweets: Tips to Stand Out on Twitter

Do you tweet? (Or as someone once asked me, “Are you on that Tweeter thing?”) Does it feel like you’re accomplishing anything? Or, at the end of the day, are you just confused what the buzz is about? (When Twitter went public, it was kind of a big deal. As in, it created 1,600 newContinue reading “Trick Out Your Tweets: Tips to Stand Out on Twitter”

50 (More) Things I’m Grateful For…

It’s been too long. I’ve had it in my mind to write this post since I published my first 50 Things I’m Grateful For… post last year. I kept finding cool things to blog about, and before I knew it, more than a year had passed. So here goes… I’m grateful for (take 2)… myContinue reading “50 (More) Things I’m Grateful For…”

What Makes You, You?’s Weekly Writing Challenge: A Pinch of You got me thinking. What makes you, you exactly? All of us are made up of a special mix of physical traits, intangibles and, shall we say, character flaws. So what’s your recipe? Here’s mine. Enjoy! Shine Soup Ingredients 2 c introversion  1 c water (fresh, salt, chlorinatedContinue reading “What Makes You, You?”

How Elvis Can Inspire Your Success

If you didn’t notice, Elvis Presley‘s birthday was Tuesday (January 8th). He would have been 78 if he were still alive today. Man, that’s hard to believe. Despite his untimely death, Elvis achieved considerable fame and status as the King of Rock and Roll. How did he get there? God-given talent, a lot of hardContinue reading “How Elvis Can Inspire Your Success”